Targeted Muscle Groups: Lower Back, Core How to do bird dogs step by step: Get on all fours keeping your back straight with your knees directly under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders Lift your right arm…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Lower Back, Core How to do bird dogs step by step: Get on all fours keeping your back straight with your knees directly under your hips and your hands directly under your shoulders Lift your right arm…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Abs How to do bicycle crunches step by step: Lie on your back with your legs extended Lift your right leg towards your chest and simultaneously lift your torso Rotate your torso so your left elbow touches…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Obliques How to do lateral planks step by step: Get in the plank position where your right forearm rests on the ground with your elbow in line with your shoulder, body aligned from head to heels with…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Abs How to do planks step by step: Get in the plank position, resting on forearms with your elbows in line with your shoulders, body aligned from head to heels Keep your hips up and hold this…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Handstand Push Ups How to do handstand push ups step by step: Face a wall in a standing position Bend down and place your palms on the floor and kick your feet up so you’re in a…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Shoulders How to do shoulder press step by step: Stand with your feet hip width apart while holding weights in your hands at the top of your shoulders Drive your hands up above your head and lock…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Shoulders How to do feet elevated pike push ups step by step: Get into the pike position with your feet elevated on a chair or bench Lower your head towards the floor by bending your elbows Push…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Shoulders How to do pike push ups step by step: Get into the pike position Lower your head towards the floor by bending your elbows Push through your hands and return to the starting pike position Repeat…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Deltoids How to do front delt raises step by step: Stand with your feet hip width apart and hold the weight in front of your thighs with your palms facing you Raise your hands forward and upward…
Targeted Muscle Groups: Shoulders How to do side lateral raises step by step: Stand with your feet hip width apart and hold the weight down at your sides palms facing your body Raise your hands out to your sides until…